Insurance Restorations
Insurance Restorations
When you choose JAG Renovations Group, we are with you every step of the way. We perform an estimate for all damages accrued in order to restore your property to its pre-storm condition. We submit all documentation to your insurance company and adjusters to ensure your property meets current building codes. We use your insurance proceeds to fund a vast majority of your repairs and renovations.
Through the years, we have learned to connect the dots by combining effective communication and negotiation skills, coupled with detail-oriented and superb craftsmanship, while communicating with your insurance company and addressing all areas of damages to be repaired. We can proudly say that you will be extremely satisfied. This has led to a repeated and continuous pattern of referral business and satisfied customer relationships.

We Will Help You Weather The Storm
Insurance restoration work can be frustrating and confusing. Not only do you have to struggle with damaged property, you also need to understand your insurance coverage, the insurance claim filing process, and coordinate with an insurance adjuster. You will want to select an insurance restoration contractor that has a wide variety of insurance restoration services who also understands the documentation required for an insurance claim and how insurance companies pay for repairs.
As an insurance restoration specialist we will help contain restoration costs by working to save as much of the original structure and contents as possible to mitigate your loss. We have detailed knowledge in the insurance claim process and provide free inspections and develop estimates for your insurance restoration work using industry-specific estimating software.
We Take Damage, And Turn It Beautiful
24 /7 Emergency Response
Tarp & Boardup
Water Extraction & Dehumidification
Water Damage Restoration
Wind Damage Restoration
Insurance Claims
We Are Your Emergency Contact
JAG's 6 Steps of No-Stress Insurance Restoration Process
1. Property Inspection
We wiill conduct a thorough property Inspection of your house or your commercial building to determine the extent of damage. We take measurements and photos to document the extent of the damage and prepare the scope of work. We use industry-approved software, same software used by insurance companies to document the services provided.
If your adjuster schedules time to visit your property to conduct an inspection of the damage, please contact our office so we can be there as well. This will streamline your restoration process.
2. Filing an Insurance Claim
When we verify damage to the property we advise you to call your insurance company to initiate a claim. Unfortunately, JAG Renovations Group cannot file a claim for you. As the homeowner, you’re the only one that can file. But it’s not difficult–all that is required is for you to call your insurance company and let them know that your home has sustained storm damage. Once you have a claim number, we can assist from that point forward. While filing, you can also let them know you’re working with JAG Renovations Group and that you would like their adjuster to meet with your JAG’s Storm Damage Specialist when they come out. This saves everyone time and the adjuster won’t need to make several trips, which helps us restore your home to its original condition as quickly as possible.
3. Meeting The Adjuster
We will meet with the adjuster and point out all the damages that were found. The adjuster will create a breakdown as well. You’ll be comforted to know that both JAG Renovations Group and the adjuster work from the same the industry standards and criteria for assessing damage. When the insurance adjuster and JAG are following the same guidelines, it’s easier to come to an agreement. Additionally, we have experience working with all major insurance companies. Our teams are trained to understand the language of insurance policies, which allows us to communicate well with the adjuster. When an accurate scope of work is confirmed by an adjuster, the scope is placed into the software program, which generates a complete line-by-line itemized pricing for the project. Set standards and confirmation from both the insurance adjuster and JAG Renovations Group gives the homeowner peace of mind knowing everything is accurate and everyone is in agreement.
4. Claim Management
We understand how frustrating it can be to navigate the complexities of property restoration. We work with you and your insurance company, where applicable, to come to agreement about how much it will cost to get your property back to a pre-loss/damage condition. Our use of industry approved software helps to streamline the process.
At this stage there is a lot going on in the background. It can sometimes seem like the process is stalled. Rest assured we want to get you back to normal quickly. There are many variables to be considered and agreed upon between JAG Renovations Group, you and your insurance company. Sometimes there are interested third-parties involved, too, like mortgage holder.
We understand how frustrating it can be to navigate the complexities of property restoration. We work directly with your insurance company to manage your claim. As experts in damage restoration we know all the little things that can easily be missed or overlooked – and they can really add up! Our extensive experience working with insurance companies on behalf of property owners ensures that you get the most out of your insurance policy.
5. Property Restoration
Getting back to normal means more than just cleaning up; it means repairing and rebuilding. Once agreement has been reached regarding the repairs necessary and we receive the deposit for the restoration work, we can schedule the right craftsman and purchase the supplies necessary to complete your restoration.
6. Project Completion
Upon completion of your project, we will present you with a Certification of Completion to sign and return to us. If, for some reason, there is an element of our work with which you are not satisfied, note it on the form when return it. We will get it resolved ASAP!
We submit your Certificate of Completion with the original estimate and our invoice so that your insurance company can release the final payment. If there is work you requested that is not covered by your insurance, we will invoice you at this time. Payment is due and payable upon receipt of the invoice.